
FavoriteMedium's css linter config, following our style guide. Supports (css, less, sass) formats.

Favorite Medium's Stylelint Plugin

Supercharged css, scss, less language style guide.

Getting started

Getting start is very simple; it is just 2 step process:

1. Installation

First you need to install stylelint & stylelint-config-favoritemedium modules as dev-dependencies, use one of following command based upon your package manager configurations:

# npm
npm i -D stylelint stylelint-config-favoritemedium

# yarn
yarn add -D stylelint stylelint-config-favoritemedium

2. Setup in project

Create .stylelintrc.json file in project source directory and extend rules from installed plugin like following:

// .stylelintrc.json
  "extends": "stylelint-config-favoritemedium"

now navigate to package.json file and add following into scripts section:

// package.json

"scripts": {
  "lint:style": "stylelint ./src"

Pro tips (optional but nice to have)

Controlling stylelint

Add .stylelintignore file into project root; to control style lint running on unwanted files and directories.

# .stylelintignore

Performance boost

Use --cache flag with lint command; i.e.

  "lint:style": "stylelint ./src --cache" // note -cache flag

with this flag stylelint will ignore unchanged files and scan modified files only.

Upon running this command plugin will generate .stylelintcache file in project root and you might need to add that into .gitignore to avoid pushing to remote.

3. Running

Once you setup script into package.json file create some css files and run command npm run lint:style or yarn lint:style; you will be prompted with violations messages in console if there are any!



You are welcome to contribute this (css, scss, less) language style guide line plugin.

For contribution you can either report an issue or fork project and create Pull Request. We will just review and merge proposed changes.


This project is licensed under MIT