Narrative Dice roller for FFG/EDGE Studio's Genesys RPG system.
This is my implementation of a dice roller for FFG/EDGE Studio's narrative dice system.
Provide an array of dice, and get the randomized result. This is a basic implementation using JavaScript's Math.random()
method. Results are returned in a variety of reports including dice name/face/symbol information, total symbols, symbols after cancelling, and a string reporting the canceled result.
Add a note as the second parameter which will be returned with the outcome and saved in the log.
NOTE: dice output order will be the same as the input order.
import nds from 'nds-roller';
// Use dice colors or names, and add symbols
const dicePool = ['proficiency', 'g', 'p', 'b', 's', 'h'];
nds.roll(dicePool, 'Test roll');
* {
* dice: [
* { name: 'proficiency', face: 12, symbols: 't', image: '...' },
* { name: 'ability', face: 7, symbols: 'sa', image: '...' },
* { name: 'difficulty', face: 8, symbols: 'fh', image: '...' },
* { name: 'boost': face: 2, symbols: '', image: '...' },
* { name: 'success', face: 's', symbols: 's' },
* { name: 'threat', face: 'h', symbols: 'h' },
* ],
* total: { s: 3, a: 1, t: 1, f: 1, h: 2 },
* result: { s: 2, t: 1, h: 1 },
* summary: '2 success, 1 threat, 1 triumph',
* note: 'Test roll',
* }
// Roll d10s and d100s
const numberPool = ['10', '10', '100'];
* {
* dice: [
* { name: '10', face: 4, total: 4 },
* { name: '10', face: 6, total: 6 },
* { name: '100', face: 61, total: 61 },
* ],
* total: { num: 71 },
* result: { num: 71 },
* summary: '71'
* }
Turn symbol abbreviations into HTML icons. Acceptable inputs are a string or array of symbol abbreviations, or an object with abbreviation symbol keys and numerical values (such as the total
and result
values provided by roll
(see above)).
WARNING: browser older browsers/devices may not correctly display these icons - use with caution.
import nds from 'nds-roller';
// get icons from a string
nds.toIcons('satfhd'); // ✲▲❂✖▼⦻
// get icons from an array
nds.toIcons(['s', 'a', 't', 'f', 'h', 'd']) // ✲▲❂✖▼⦻
// get icons from a roll result
nds.toIcons(nds.roll(['y', 'g', 'p']).result) // ✲✲▼
Turn a die letter into its name, or vice versa.
import nds from 'nds-roller';
// 'ability'
// 'g'
Turn a symbol letter into its name, or vice versa.
import nds from 'nds-roller';
// 'triumph'
// 'h'
Gives a readout of all previous rolls including the outcome, note, and timestamp. This log is mutable and can be manipulated.
* [
* {
* outcome: {
* dice: [...],
* total: {...},
* result: {...},
* summary: '...',
* note: 'Test roll',
* },
* timestamp: new Date(),
* },
* {...}
* ]
abbreviation | full name | reason |
y | proficiency | [y]ellow |
g | ability | [g]reen |
b | boost | [b]lue |
r | challenge | [r]ed |
p | difficulty | [p]urple |
k | setback | blac[k] |
abbreviation | full name |
s | [s]uccess |
a | [a]dvantage |
t | [t]riumph |
f | [f]ailure |
h | t[h]reat |
d | [d]espair |