
http service help people store and retrieve schedulers

gwisp - guardian wisp

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  • Port this repository to python language for clear code
  • This is big changed, wait for one week before every thing is ok
any body need to keep life on right track by manage time. gwisp
service have only mission is help people do that
gwisp service use to store and provide schedulers. people can create
them schedulers, save and retrieve it later. people also can retrieve
scheduler of other user
depend on scheduler, it can boost your work and help you reach target
an scheduler called 'work on company' look like below
| start time | action                                                    |
| ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| 05:00      | get up and run                                            |
| 06:00      | standby                                                   |
| 06:15      | take a shower                                             |
| 06:30      | have breakfast                                            |
|            |                                                           |
| 07:00      | go to company                                             |
| 07:45      | prepare to working                                        |
| 08:00      | research and development                                  |
| 10:00      | relax                                                     |
|            |                                                           |
| 12:00      | have lunch                                                |
| 13:00      | research and development                                  |
| 15:00      | relax                                                     |
| 15:15      | research and development                                  |
| 17:30      | go to home                                                |
|            |                                                           |
| 18:15      | take shower                                               |
| 18:30      | have diner                                                |
| 19:00      | open activity                                             |
| 21:30      | go bed                                                    |

dev installation

# require package before install, do it by hand 
# this step will be automatic later 
#   - nodejs version 4.x, include v8 and npm 
#   - git 
#   - mongodb-org v3.2, then start mongod service 
# clone source repository 
git clone
cd gwisp
# install development environment 
npm install
# run test 
npm test
# try start http service 
# service will start serve. default port is 9001 
npm start
# then api is ready to serve at default url http://localhost:9001 
# document also exist at there 

design document located in design/

usage installation

# require package before install, do it by hand 
# this step will be automatic later 
#   - nodejs version 4.x, include v8 and npm 
#   - mongodb-or, then start mongod service 
# gwisp service does not come with native package manger of operating 
# system. it come with node package manager instead of native package 
# manager 
npm install -g gwisp
# pm2 use to make gwisp become daemon 
npm install -g pm2
# start gwisp as daemon 
# for more information, see 
pm2 start gwisp -- start

quick start with api

// assume that installed gwisp by npm
// see dev installation section for detail
const gwisp = require('gwisp')
var app = gwisp({
  verbose: true,
  port: 9001,
  dbUrl: 'mongodb://localhost/gwisp',
  clientId: '',
  clientSecret: 'y7RCBAr4AT26oACJBJUSJIxv',
  redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:9001/v1/oauth/login',
  scopes: [
app.start(function(err) {
  // do some thing here