
A collection of utility functions for JavaScript and TypeScript projects, designed to boost your productivity and streamline your coding experience. This package is developed and maintained by Code Caffeine.


A collection of utility functions for JavaScript and TypeScript projects, designed to boost your productivity and streamline your coding experience. This package is developed and maintained by Code Caffeine.

✨ Features

  • Date utilities: Format dates, calculate relative time (e.g., "2 days ago").
  • String manipulation: Capitalize, truncate, and sanitize strings.
  • Array utilities: Remove duplicates, chunk arrays, and filter data.
  • Performance optimizations: Debounce and throttle functions to enhance performance.
  • Random generation: Generate UUIDs and random numbers.

📦 Installation

To use this package in your project, install it via npm:

npm install codecaffeine-utils

🚀 Usage

Below are some examples of how to use the utilities provided by this package.

1. Date Formatting

import { formatDate, timeAgo } from 'codecaffeine-utils';

console.log(formatDate(new Date(), 'YYYY-MM-DD')); // Output: "2024-11-16"
console.log(timeAgo(new Date('2024-11-14')));      // Output: "2 days ago"

2. String Manipulation

import { capitalize, truncate } from 'codecaffeine-utils';

console.log(capitalize('hello world')); // Output: "Hello world"
console.log(truncate('Code Caffeine Rocks!', 10)); // Output: "Code Caff..."

3. Array Utilities

import { uniqueArray, chunkArray } from 'codecaffeine-utils';

const numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5];
console.log(uniqueArray(numbers)); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

console.log(chunkArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)); // Output: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]

4. Debounce and Throttle Functions

import { debounce, throttle } from 'codecaffeine-utils';

const log = () => console.log('Action triggered');

// Debounce example
const debouncedLog = debounce(log, 500);

// Throttle example
const throttledLog = throttle(log, 1000);
window.addEventListener('scroll', throttledLog);

5. UUID and Random Number Generation

import { generateUUID, randomNumber } from 'codecaffeine-utils';

console.log(generateUUID()); // Output: "6e1e7a0f-d982-4f3d-a1c7-5f0e0b1dabc3"
console.log(randomNumber(1, 100)); // Output: A random number between 1 and 100

📚 API Reference

Function Description
formatDate(date, format) Formats a Date object into a specified string format.
timeAgo(date) Converts a date to a "time ago" string.
capitalize(str) Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
truncate(str, length) Trims a string to a specified length with ellipsis.
uniqueArray(arr) Removes duplicates from an array.
chunkArray(arr, size) Splits an array into chunks of a given size.
debounce(fn, delay) Creates a debounced function to control function execution.
throttle(fn, delay) Creates a throttled function to limit function calls.
generateUUID() Generates a random UUID string.
randomNumber(min, max) Generates a random number within a range.

🛠️ Development

If you want to contribute or modify the package, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd codecaffeine-utils
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Run tests:
    npm test

👥 Authors

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🌟 Show Your Support!

If you like this package, please consider giving it a ⭐ on GitHub and following Code Caffeine on social media!

© 2024 Code Caffeine. All rights reserved.