"description": "Tajikistan: RSF calls on public prosecutor to release journalist Rukhshona Khakimova, sentenced to eight years in prison Repression against independent voices is intensifying in Tajikistan ahead...",
"content": "<div>\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://rsf.org/en/tajikistan-rsf-calls-public-prosecutor-release-journalist-rukhshona-khakimova-sentenced-eight-years\">\n<div>\n <p>Tajikistan: RSF calls on public prosecutor to release journalist Rukhshona Khakimova, sentenced to eight years in prison</p>\n <p>Repression against independent voices is intensifying in Tajikistan ahead of the parliamentary elections on 2 March in which there are no real opposition candidates. The latest victim, Rukhshona Khakimova, is awaiting her appeal trial.</p>\n </div>\n</a>\n </div>",